About Delta Sigma Pi
The Lambda Phi Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi was founded on 14 May 1988 at California State University, Long Beach. It was established by 23 dedicated students of the School of Business who all had the same vision of building one of the greatest chapters in Delta Sigma Pi's history. Not only is this chapter now one of the best in the region, but also in its province with around 700 brothers since its establishment.

Members of Delta Sigma Pi enjoy unique opportunities for professional development to prepare for the world of commerce. Our members receive quality training through exposure to resume workshops, mock interviews, professional speaker engagements, and mentorship opportunities. Our program works to ensure that personal and professional growth are cornerstones for our fraternity, and that Brothers of the Lambda Phi chapter are prepared to take on the vast business world in front of them.

Part of what makes our professional organization unique is our Brotherhood. While we work to develop ourselves personally and professionally, we foster our relationships through brotherhood activities such as softball games, beach bonfires, movie nights, hikes, and so much more! Delta Sigma Pi works to build lifelong connections and relationships that last a lifetime, and our common goal for personal and professional development help us achieve just that!

One of the most important aspects of Delta Sigma Pi is giving back to the community around us. Every semester, the Lambda Phi chapter at Cal State, Long Beach works with various organizations, including Ronald McDonald House Charities, LA Works, and the American Cancer Society to make a difference for those in need. We strive to instill this type of commitment to service into every member of Delta Sigma Pi.

Achievement can be anything from academic success to success in business. Delta Sigma Pi offers opportunities to develop yourself as a leader during college. Delta Sigma Pi also opens doors to internships and scholarships. Aside from success in school, our members are also equipped with skills beyond the classroom. The Lambda Phi Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi was recently recognized at GCC 2019 as Chapter of Excellence. We have been recognized for Chapter of Excellence for 6 years strong, and will strive to continue receiving this title.
Fraternity History
Chapter of Excellence
Outstanding Financial Operations Collegiate Chapter
Outstanding Financial Operations Award for a Collegiate Chapter
Outstanding Alumni Relations Collegiate Award
R. Nelson Mitchell Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Award
Most Improved Collegiate Chapter
Chapter of Recognition
Legacy Chapter
ABSOC Battle of the Orgs
CMP Recognition Level
Regional Award
Regional Award
Regional Award
Provinical, Regional
CMP Recogniton Level
3rd Place
Most Improved Organization
2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014
2017, 2016
2017, 2016
2013, 2012, 2011
2015, 2014, 2013, 2011
Delta Sigma Pi was founded as a fraternity for business majors in 1907 by four men who met as freshman at New York University’s School of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance. Alexander Frank Makay, Alfred Moysello, Henry Albert Tienken, and Harold Valentine Jacobs didn’t know each other prior to matriculating, but became friends through their classes and shared train rides to and from school. Discussing the exclusivity of one organization dominant on campus at the time, the four decided to start a fraternity open to all business majors. The organization they founded became Delta Sigma Pi.
Outstanding Alumni Relations Collegiate Award | National | 2018 |
ABSOC Award | Most Improved Organization | 2015 |
ABSOC Battle of the Orgs | 3rd Place | 2016 |
Legacy Chapter | ||
Chapter of Recognition | CMP Recognition Level | 2013, 2012, 2011 |
Most Improved Collegiate Chapter | Provincial, Regional | 2015 |
R. Nelson Mitchell Relations Collegiate Award | Regional Award | 2017, 2016 |
Outstanding Financial Operations Award for a Collegiate Chapter | Regional Award | 2017,2016 |
Outstanding Financial Operations Collegiate Chapter | Regional Award | 2018 |
Chapter of Excellence | CMP Recognition Level | 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014 |